ESBA Porec 2016, M40,
Baltic Cup 2016
ESBA Porec 2016
Men M40 league
Men M45 league
Men M50 league
Men M55 league
Men M60 league
Men M65 league
Men M70/75 league
W40/45 league
W50/55 league

Market launched ahead of Poreč ’16


The European Seniors Basketball Association will be offering players and teams a brand new co-operation framework for the 2016 ESBA Championship in Poreč.

The newly launched Market section of the website will be dedicated to helping players who are looking for a team to play for, as well as to teams who are in search of players for the tournament.

Players and teams can post their advertisements on the website. All openings will be shown on the website and available for the public to see, together with the contact information provided.

This system will debut for Poreč ’16, where listings for players and teams will be categorized for standard competition and the 3×3 Open. If this system proves successful, it will be used in the future championships as well.


Meanwhile, we would also like to remind you, that teams can register for the championship here.