There is important information to all ESBA Championship participants, regarding entrance to the Gloria Sports Arena, where the games of the championship will be held. There will be two entrances to the venue.
People who have purchased the all-inclusive Leave Your Wallet At Home package and/or are staying at the Gloria Sports Arena or Gloria Verde Resort will use the main gate. Meanwhile, the second gate will be available to participants who are staying elsewhere and will be only coming to games, opening ceremony, three-point contest and other championship events will have to use the second gate. It will be located on the left side of the main gate, with tourniquet gate control.
Entrance through the second gate will be approved ONLY with the accreditation cards of participants (not to be confused with player licenses). They will be provided to all participants and their guests during the Technical Meeting.
For this reason, please inform us with the exact size of your delegation. It will help to prepare a full package for every team and avoid any misunderstandings regarding entrance to the arena.
By policy of Gloria resorts, food and beverages will not be allowed to be brought in. Security will have the right to ask you to show the contents of your bags. You will be able to put your goods at the entrance and pick them up when you leave the venue.
A special picnic zone will be prepared at the Gloria Spors Arena for your comfort in the garden outside the gym, dedicated only for the participants of the Championship. There will be fast food style buffet, with different kinds of drinks served inside the gym. Participants will be provided with drinking water free of the charge in the arena, but other snacks, meals and drinks will be chargeable.
If participants would like to use the top-class multipurpose Gloria Sports Arena complex with various indoor and outdoor facilities, there will be an opportunity to gain daily access to the facilities for €55 per person per day. The daily fee is for 10.00 – 22.00 for 12 hours, during which people can use Gloria Sports Arena facilities, eat at restaurants and drink at the bar. There will be an open buffet for lunch and dinner with soft drinks, beer and wine plus all kinds of coffee included. These daily cards can be purchased for each day at the LOC office with cash only cash payment for each person separately.
At the gym, there will be locker rooms according to the gender – for men and ladies, not for each team.