Veteran Ukraine team after the loss 42-35 against Vilniaus Statybos Senjorai in the eldest age group filed a protest.
1. According to the championship rules only two younger players could play in the age group M70, but in Vilniaus Statybos Senjorai were 4 players younger.
51. Sanctions of use of ineligible player(s):
a. First infraction: the game is awarded to the opponents of the offending team. If the offending team lost the actual game by more than twenty (20) points, the result shall stand; if not then the game shall be awarded to the opponents of the offending team by a score of twenty to zero (20:0). In either case, the offending team shall receive zero (0) points in the classification.
b. Second infraction: the team shall be disqualified for the remainder of that competition
2. According to the championship rules no player is allowed to play in more than one team and more than one category at the Championship (point #10)
Technical commission made a decision to forfeit the result and Veteran Ukraine recorded a win 20-0.