How to reach our hotels (Santemar and Chiqui) from airports of Santander or Bilbao?
There are three ways:
- By public transport (please read information and instructions in the attached PDF file)
- By taxi (cost around 24-28€)
- By bus transfer
- Up to 8 seats: * 60€ both ways (back and forth) —> Santander Airport
- Up to 56 seats: * 70€ one way or 100€ both ways (back and forth) —> Santander Airport
- By bus transfer
- Up to 8 seats: * 200€ both ways (back and forth) —> Bilbao Airport
- Up to 56 seats: * 200€ one way or 380€ both ways (back and forth) —> Bilbao Airport
If your team are interested in bus transfer, please, send to us an info about flight number, arrival and/or departure date and time.