In target to travel from-to Altea and Calpe you can use the train. Sport complex of Altea is placed between train stations Garganes and Cap Negret in 8 minutes walking distance from both stations.
It is very easy to remember its time of departure. Train, line L9 runs once per hour in the same minutes.
For timetable of Line 9 from Benidorm-Altea-Calpe and back click here
For those who come from Altea by train to Sport Complex of Calpe there are 2 options:
- to go by walk (2.1 km ~30 min)
- to go by bus L1 or L2 (for a timetable and routs of urban bus of Calpe click here (ticket costs 1.45 EUR))
Organizers suggest to purchase a TRAM card. The price for the first time is 9.60 EUR.
2 EUR for the card, but 7.60 EUR for 10 trips/for one zone. After that you can add trips as many as you need.
For the full list of fares for TRAM click here
For the map of The Alicante Metropolitan Tram click here
More info for travel of groups click here
More about Urban and Tourist Transports in Calpe (taxi, bus, tourist train, buggy) you can read here