European Seniors Basketball Association goals


  • to provide complete statistics (games, results and players) from the Championships with the support of the programs BasketHotel and SmartsStats used in Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia, Russia, Norway, Belarus, Denmark, Austria, Island and Israel;
  • to offer a competitive participation fee;
  • to collect a common database and archive by years (by age group, gender, complete statistics of games, photos);
  • to create player licenses, which would help avoid eligibility issues regarding age and the right to play in a specific age group. These would be valid for 5 years;
  • to promote former professional players, share their experiences and honour their achievements;
  • to provide information about smaller 2-3 days tournaments in the region with the possibility of creating separate tournament profiles on the ESBA website with an individual identity.


  • to systemize the tournaments in Europe;
  • to create branches in Europe;
  • to systemize the seniors’ basketball structure in Europe;
  • to manage workshops and seminars.