The Lithuanians once again proved that basketball is a religion in their country taking out nine titles from the eleven categories this year, followed by the Latvians with two and Estonians with one.
The third Baltic Cup tournament this year had 38 teams.
Baltic Cup 2017 Winners:
W35 Winner: Alytaus RKL. MVP: Milda Navickaite
W40 Winner: Versan. MVP: Ligita Kinkeviciene
W45 Winner: BC Svaja. MVP: Tetiana Kobzar
W50 Winner: Tukums. MVP: Guna Horelika
W55 Winner: Tark ei torma. MVP: Ulle Jarv
M40 Winner: Pakruojo Parketas. MVP: Eugenijus Takusevicius
M45 Winner: Kauno LT United. MVP: Darius Lukminas
M50 Winner: Patvanka. MVP: Ramunas Juska
M55 Winner: Salilita. MVP: Vladas Luksa
M60 Winner: Ikskile. MVP: Andris Calitis
M65 Winner: Vilniaus Statybos Senjorai. MVP: Rimvydas Aukstolis
M70 Winner: Neptunieciai. MVP: Jonas Lukosius
We hope to see you in Saaremaa, Estonia for this popular annual event in 2018.