
Womens’ games – W35, W45, W50 & W55

The first day saw four women’s gold medal games decided in the 35, 45, 50 and 55 year age groups with the W40 medals still to be decided tomorrow.

Alytaus RKL proved too strong for the Latvians from Livani taking out the gold medal convincingly 79:41 in the W35 group. Milda Sauliute with 21 points, 13 rebounds and 12 assists and Milda Navickaite with 22 points led the way for the Lithuanians who were far too strong today. Livani player Ineta Smilskalne was the top scorer for the silver medallists with 10 points.

Tetiana Kobzar amassed 12 points to lead the Lithuanian BC Svaja team to the gold in the W45 category, winning 52:34 Cesis. Sanita Krievina with 9 points and 5 assists couldn’t inspire her Latvian teammates sufficiently to gain victory.

Tukums from Latvia beat BC Svaja to take out the gold against the favourites from Lithuania in the W50 group. 15 points from playing coach Guna Horelika and 11 rebounds from Una Epnere showed who was boss in the 47:39 win. Ramune Giliene picked up 13 points for BC Svaja.

After a 23:0 start in the first quarter, Tark ei torma from Estonia were far too strong for Zeltenes from Latvia winning gold in the W55 category. The Estonians took out the laurels 76:27 in a one-sided game with Ulle Jarv’s 22 points and 16 from Sirje Kikas.